Snake in Eden
Winter skies bring longing gaze
of promises amidst a haze
of emptiness and loss
of promises amidst a haze
of emptiness and loss
In frigid cold the owl unfolds
Her wings and takes to flight
Natures tempest tossed
Now sun shines upon the snow
As dawn reveals secreted foe
Amidst the floral moss
She sweeps her wings wide
Catching wind and slows
Her speed to loss
Talons wide with Spartan pride
Her chick deep in it's grasp
The snake is tossed
Done and done the snake so shuned
And so the mother knows
Her fate is lost
With exasperated breath the screech
The mother owl doeth shrink
Into the winter frost
Owl resplendent in relief
Her chick now safe at cost
Her life now all but lost
Will a bite within her feathers mend
Mother Owl knows better friend
Her save comes at such cost
A bowed head for it is said
God's love is ne'er for not
But love is still so often fraught
Raised head held o'er the dead
Of he who promised hurt
Snake in Eden naught
Natures tempest tossed
Now sun shines upon the snow
As dawn reveals secreted foe
Amidst the floral moss
She sweeps her wings wide
Catching wind and slows
Her speed to loss
Talons wide with Spartan pride
Her chick deep in it's grasp
The snake is tossed
Done and done the snake so shuned
And so the mother knows
Her fate is lost
With exasperated breath the screech
The mother owl doeth shrink
Into the winter frost
Owl resplendent in relief
Her chick now safe at cost
Her life now all but lost
Will a bite within her feathers mend
Mother Owl knows better friend
Her save comes at such cost
A bowed head for it is said
God's love is ne'er for not
But love is still so often fraught
Raised head held o'er the dead
Of he who promised hurt
Snake in Eden naught