The Eagle

I came upon a feathered lump
Perched upon a shallowed stump
And as I looked to see the cause
Of moaning shrieks and teardrop falls
The creature cut his eyes to me
As if in utter disbelief
That I might boldly venture near
And come with such a lack of fear

He spread enormous wings and growled

Challenging my seeming foul
I took a knee and bowed my head
And asked forgiveness for whence I tread
Rise he said and come ye here
I take it that you saw my tears
No man should bow before God's few
For I am just his creature too

I did, I said, why do you cry

Why do these tears flow from your eye
He raised his head of flowing white
And piebald crown that shined so bright
Splendored wings came folding in
And so he hung his head again
Listen son, you listen well
There is no fancy tale to tell

I love this land that God hath made

But man has made me sore afraid
That all this love shall be undone
By turning from the Holy Son
And blessings lifting wings on high
Have been so sparse I cannot fly
Prayers that give my wings their flight
Have left me feeble that's my plight

The tears fell freely from my eyes

And I saw his head now slowly rise
What do you think he questioned me
What man are you to set me free
I placed my hand upon his crown
And as he menaced up a frown
I closed my eyes in soft rogation
And offered up this supplication

Lord God on high I come to you

Beseeching grace for what we do
Away from you I know we've grown
But now come boldly to your throne
America is yours to hold
Please take this land into your fold
Forgive us please now once again
And let Christ take away our sin

Just then the Eagle rose his chest

Taking in a gasping breath
He spread his wings as though released
And with these words he did bequeath
God heard your prayer and so did I
Your words have lifted Him on high
Now I will fly above the clouds
So long as humbled heads are bowed
And protect this land that tis of Thee
This sweet land of Liberty


Kim Leake said…
My Dad, my brother and my son, was so into Eagle/flag/America as they all served their country in the Army, brother retired, son active! Beautifully written!! Made me cry and proud of this country! Thank you for sharing!
Soldier Blue said…
Thanks Kim. I salute your family for their service, and you for yours!

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