

I hear the Booming Voice of The Archangel in the Cloud I hear the Angel's Trumpet Resounding Clear and Loud Every Gaze Upon the Lion Megiddo's Valley Fully Won Clouds that Part the Darkness For the Light of Heaven's Come Every Knee that will not Bow Is broken where it Stands So Not a One's Remaining Who His Glory will Withstand I see Those Who Died Before Me Who Loved you even More Rising from the Ashes Of Earthly Death Before Caught up with You, Christ Jesus, Ascending through the Air, Transformed in but a Moment, To Heaven's Latest Heir
  Be Kind, Content, Grateful, and Devout   My inner peace comes from trusting God in all things and refusing to take them back from him. When I let something go, it's given to him, so that he may control the outcome. What better engineer to give a problem to than the creator of the universe. I create anxiety when I wrestle with God over the course He takes me down. I create anxiety for others when I worry over that which I have no control; thereby creating events and circumstances that God did not intend to be created as He works through my problem. I can prevent much by being peaceful, by being centered, by being kind, devout, and content. Mostly, all things will find their stasis when I am grateful.   I am grateful for my parents, who loved me each in their own ways; for my siblings who still love me, and whom I love dearly. I'm grateful for my home; for the dog that loves me even when I don't deserve it. I'm grateful for the career that I chose early on in li


You're here a Little Early He Said as I Stood Tall What Brought you Here so Prematurely Did you Take a Fall I Knew not how to Answer Him My Lip Began to Quiver At Once I Felt so All Ashamed My Knees Began to Shiver He Rose up from his Mighty Throne And Slowly Came to Me Wrapped His Arms Around my Head And Began to Comfort Me I Expected You One Day my Son That Day was Not Today Now I Need you to Confess Just How This Went Astray Why Didn't you Just Trust in Me To Take you Through the Trials Then Took my Face into His Hands No Point in Your Denial I Clinched His Robe and Begged Him Please I Need to Just Come In But in My Holy Father's House My Verdict Now was Sin There was no Sacrifice to Cover The Awful Thing I'd Done His Holiness Withdrew from Me So Now I Stood Alone Desolation Came on Me Like Water from a Wave My Heart Sunk Deep into my Chest Eternity the Grave Now Just as I began to Leave All Hope for Life in Heaven Tears of Joy Filled Both my Eyes My Alarm Clock Just

Azure Eyes

I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard For every thought and hope and dream Was nestled in His word I prayed that love would find you And all your dreams come true To see yourself as I see you With Azure Eyes anew For your children I prayed happiness For your kittens I prayed too They bring you so much joy in life Known by so very few But mostly I prayed for your heart That God might soften you The love you give could be immense For the righteous man that's true Guarded hearts love part-time A guarded tongue's a jewel Words can break a strong man's bones Though never meant as cruel So always speak with kindness To someone whom you love You'll get it back a thousand fold With blessings from above I told God that I loved you I asked He keep you safe He answered that He loves you more And that's always been His place Woody Boswell Copyright 2017


The Snow Fell Gently in the Night I took her Hand and All Felt Right Through those Doors we Slowly Walked Her Mom and I Smiled and Talked She Laid upon the Softest Down With Family Standing All Around And in that Moment Christ was There As I Softly Stroked her Hair The Pain she felt Faded Away As God's Grace came Here to Stay Through the Breach a Loving Girl Who that day Became my World Sleeping Child her Mother's Charm Laying back with Outstretched Arms A Miracle upon my Life Second only to my Wife Woody Boswell Copyright 2018

Chapter 5- This Isn't the End of the World, but you can see it from Here

     The pager beeped loudly, vibrating across the dresser, waking him from a deep sleep and leaving him momentarily disoriented. In just a few seconds his feet were on the floor and the lights were coming on. He grabbed the pager and read the message, "Tactical Situation Exists on Spring Trace Lane, Newport News, Assembly Point Spring Trace at Saunders Road." He'd barely been asleep an hour, but now he was wide awake. His wife exited her side of the bed almost as quickly as he did. "What do you need?" "Can you fix me a couple of sandwiches, honey?" "Sure", she replied, slipped on her robe, and made her way to the kitchen.      The Nomex Flight suit was the Tactical Operations Unit Assault Team's uniform of choice several years ago. Good pockets; easy to put on and roomy, but most importantly, fire resistant. Body armor slips right over it without bunching, and the load bearing vest is easily maintained separately as necessary. He stepp

Cotton Candy Kisses

When first we met I thought I'd found you A girl I'd only dreamed about And when we kissed it was amazing I was in love there was no doubt I wanted so to make you happy To make you feel like you were loved And if I failed it's not for trying For in my heart you were beloved You'll never know how much I loved you You'll never know now what could be Clouded minds just can't see clearly Confused by circumstantial need But now until the end of time When blonde has fully grayed You'll know that one man loved you so Whose memory just won't fade Who thought your lips as sweet as wine Your touch he daily missed And took the time to dream about Your cotton candy kiss Now that we have finally parted And your face no more I see Won't you sometimes sit and wonder Won't you sometimes think of me