Chapter 3 - Shiver Me Timbers to a Watery Grave

Chapter 3 Shiver Me Timbers to a Watery Grave I had never seen it so cold before. Even winter survival in the Army wasn't this cold. It was about 18 degrees and the wind whipped briskly across the four miles of the water of the James and slammed ashore, literally taking away your breath. At least I had the option of a warm police car most of the time. I had my long johns, scarf, and jacket on but that was barely enough just to keep the shakes at bay. My gloves weren't the best. They worked for the short term, but if I needed to get to my weapon for any reason I had to cast them off. Forget about working the police radio, or anything with small buttons for that matter. I don't even know what was available back in those days, but I'm sure I didn't have the money for it anyway, and the department wasn't going to buy it for us; just as well. It was after midnight and I was patroling in the dimly lit i...